.Plant Type Specimens - Rwanda (Repatriated data) (UR-Type)

This dataset represents repatriated type specimen data.
Contact: Vedaste Minani, Curator (minaved2005@gmail.com)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 6 April 2020
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: University of Rwanda
Access Rights: Public Domain
National Herbarium of Rwanda
University of Rwanda
Centre of Excellence in Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management
P. O. Box 117
Huye, Southern Province   
25 078 857-6052
Collection Statistics
  • 348 specimen records
  • 0 georeferenced
  • 76 families
  • 0 genera
  • 0 species
Extra Statistics
Family Distribution
Click on the specimen record counts within the parenthesis to return the records for that family
  • Acanthaceae (3)
  • Amaranthaceae (6)
  • Anacardiaceae (1)
  • Annonaceae (1)
  • Apocynaceae (2)
  • Araceae (2)
  • Arcyriaceae (1)
  • Arthoniaceae (1)
  • Asteraceae (39)
  • Balsaminaceae (3)
  • Bartramiaceae (3)
  • Begoniaceae (3)
  • Boletaceae (1)
  • Campanulaceae (2)
  • Capparaceae (4)
  • Caryophyllaceae (1)
  • Clusiaceae (1)
  • Commelinaceae (4)
  • Convolvulaceae (3)
  • Corticiaceae (1)
  • Cyperaceae (8)
  • Cystostereaceae (1)
  • Dennstaedtiaceae (2)
  • Dicranaceae (1)
  • Didymiaceae (1)
  • Ericaceae (2)
  • Fabaceae (21)
  • Fabroniaceae (1)
  • Fissidentaceae (1)
  • Fossombroniaceae (2)
  • Funariaceae (1)
  • Gleicheniaceae (1)
  • Gyrodontaceae (1)
  • Hapalopilaceae (1)
  • Hymenophyllaceae (5)
  • Lamiaceae (11)
  • Lauraceae (3)
  • Lejeuneaceae (18)
  • Lentibulariaceae (1)
  • Linderniaceae (2)
  • Lomariopsidaceae (5)
  • Loranthaceae (4)
  • Lycopodiaceae (3)
  • Malvaceae (1)
  • Melastomataceae (2)
  • Menispermaceae (1)
  • Moraceae (12)
  • Musaceae (3)
  • Mytilinidiaceae (1)
  • Neckeraceae (2)
  • Orchidaceae (31)
  • Passifloraceae (1)
  • Physalacriaceae (1)
  • Plantaginaceae (1)
  • Poaceae (9)
  • Polygalaceae (1)
  • Polypodiaceae (8)
  • Primulaceae (1)
  • Pteridaceae (4)
  • Ranunculaceae (1)
  • Roccellaceae (6)
  • Rosaceae (8)
  • Rubiaceae (32)
  • Rutaceae (5)
  • Santalaceae (2)
  • Sapotaceae (1)
  • Schizoporaceae (1)
  • Selaginellaceae (13)
  • Stemonitidaceae (2)
  • Thelypteridaceae (4)
  • Thymelaeaceae (4)
  • Trichiaceae (4)
  • Unk.pleosporales (1)
  • Unk.polyporales (1)
  • Urticaceae (3)
  • Zingiberaceae (3)