Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, UK (RBG-K)

Funded as a government institution in 1841; Kew herbarium and library founded in 1852. Around 7 million vascular plant specimens (including approximately 330,000 types) and 1.25 million fungi specimens. This dataset has been updated to follow the APG IV system.
Contact: Alan Paton, Head of Collections (
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 2 April 2020
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Royal Botanic Garden
Access Rights: Public Domain
Collection Statistics
  • 212 specimen records
  • 0 georeferenced
  • 78 (37%) identified to species
  • 37 families
  • 17 genera
  • 28 species
  • 29 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Family Distribution
Click on the specimen record counts within the parenthesis to return the records for that family
  • Acanthaceae (1)
  • Asparagaceae (11)
  • Asteraceae (2)
  • Balsaminaceae (1)
  • Begoniaceae (1)
  • Cactaceae (6)
  • Chrysobalanaceae (11)
  • Convolvulaceae (1)
  • Cyperaceae (5)
  • Dioscoreaceae (6)
  • Eriocaulaceae (2)
  • Euphorbiaceae (1)
  • Fabaceae (39)
  • Gleicheniaceae (4)
  • Hymenophyllaceae (3)
  • Lamiaceae (9)
  • Lentibulariaceae (1)
  • Lomariopsidaceae (1)
  • Loranthaceae (6)
  • Malvaceae (1)
  • Myricaceae (1)
  • Myrsinaceae (1)
  • Myrtaceae (8)
  • Oleaceae (1)
  • Oleandraceae (1)
  • Orchidaceae (10)
  • Poaceae (7)
  • Podocarpaceae (2)
  • Polypodiaceae (1)
  • Proteaceae (1)
  • Pteridaceae (3)
  • Ranunculaceae (1)
  • Rosaceae (1)
  • Rubiaceae (17)
  • Santalaceae (4)
  • Scrophulariaceae (2)
  • Solanaceae (39)