.National Herbarium of Rwanda
Catalog #: 14555
Taxon: Asplenium abyssinicum Fee
Family: Aspleniaceae
Collector: P. van der Veken   10591   
Date: 1974-08-02
Verbatim Date:8/2/1974
Locality: Rwanda, Northern Province, Burera, Parc des volcans, selle Gahinga-Muhabura
Location Remarks: Volcanoes National Park
Elevation: 2290 meters
Verbatim Elevation: 2290 m
Habitat: Foret ouverte a hypericum revolutum, en sous bois;crassocephalum ducis-apruti, lobelia gibberoa, pycnostachys, peucedanum, Impatiens, Asplenium lobatum
Disposition: National Hebarium of Rwanda
Specimen Images
Rights Holder: University of Rwanda
Access Rights: Public Domain
Record Id: 6208d9be-df48-4e68-a05b-148add0f8ffe
For additional information on this specimen, please contact: Raymond Umazekabiri (umraymond@gmail.com)
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